Results for 'Brandon Jay Ridgeway'

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  1.  26
    Science–religion boundaries in indian scientific workplaces.Simranjit Khalsa, Brenton Kalinowski, Brandon Vaidyanathan & Elaine Howard Ecklund - 2022 - Zygon 57 (2):322-343.
    Zygon®, Volume 57, Issue 2, Page 322-343, June 2022.
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  2. Philosophical Issues in Recent Paleontology.Derek D. Turner - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (7):494-505.
    The distinction between idiographic science, which aims to reconstruct sequences of particular events, and nomothetic science, which aims to discover laws and regularities, is crucial for understanding the paleobiological revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. Stephen Jay Gould at times seemed conflicted about whether to say (a) that idiographic science is fine as it is or (b) that paleontology would have more credibility if it were more nomothetic. Ironically, one of the lasting results of the paleobiological revolution was a new (...)
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  3. Of Other Spaces.Jay Miskowiec - 1986 - Diacritics 16 (1):22.
  4. Philosophy without ambiguity: a logico-linguistic essay.Jay David Atlas - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book expounds and defends a new conception of the relation between truth and meaning. Atlas argues that the sense of a sense-general sentence radically underdetermines its truth-conditional content. He applies this linguistic analysis to illuminate old and new philosophical problems of meaning, truth, falsity, negation, existence, presupposition, and implicature. In particular, he demonstrates how the concept of ambiguity has been misused and confused with other concepts of meaning, and how the interface between semantics and pragmatics has been misunderstood. The (...)
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  5. Complex systems, trade‐offs, and theoretical population biology: Richard Levin's “strategy of model building in population biology” revisited.Jay Odenbaugh - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1496-1507.
    Ecologist Richard Levins argues population biologists must trade‐off the generality, realism, and precision of their models since biological systems are complex and our limitations are severe. Steven Orzack and Elliott Sober argue that there are cases where these model properties cannot be varied independently of one another. If this is correct, then Levins's thesis that there is a necessary trade‐off between generality, precision, and realism in mathematical models in biology is false. I argue that Orzack and Sober's arguments fail since (...)
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  6. Social cognition, language acquisition and the development of the theory of mind.Jay L. Garfield, Candida C. Peterson & Tricia Perry - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (5):494–541.
    Theory of Mind (ToM) is the cognitive achievement that enables us to report our propositional attitudes, to attribute such attitudes to others, and to use such postulated or observed mental states in the prediction and explanation of behavior. Most normally developing children acquire ToM between the ages of 3 and 5 years, but serious delays beyond this chronological and mental age have been observed in children with autism, as well as in those with severe sensory impairments. We examine data from (...)
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  7. The strategy of “the strategy of model building in population biology”.Jay Odenbaugh - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (5):607-621.
    In this essay, I argue for four related claims. First, Richard Levins’ classic “The Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology” was a statement and defense of theoretical population biology growing out of collaborations between Robert MacArthur, Richard Lewontin, E. O. Wilson, and others. Second, I argue that the essay served as a response to the rise of systems ecology especially as pioneered by Kenneth Watt. Third, the arguments offered by Levins against systems ecology and in favor of his own (...)
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    Linguistic representation.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1974 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    This book is nominally about linguistic representation. But, since it is we who do the representing, it is also about us. And, since it is the universe which we represent, it is also about the universe. In the end, then, this book is about everything, which, since it is a philosophy book, is as it should be. I recognize that it is nowadays unfashionable to write books about every thing. Philosophers of language, it will be said, ought to stick to (...)
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  9. Review of P sychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning In the Philosophy of Mind. [REVIEW]Jay L. Garfield - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (1):235-240.
  10. Dependent arising and the emptiness of emptiness: Why did nāgārjuna start with causation?Jay L. Garfield - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (2):219-250.
  11. One World and Our Knowledge of It.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (4):410-412.
  12. What is it like to be a bodhisattva? Moral phenomenology in íåntideva's bodhicaryåvatåra.Jay Garfield - unknown
    Bodhicaryåvatåra was composed by the Buddhist monk scholar Íåntideva at Nalandå University in India sometime during the 8th Century CE. It stands as one the great classics of world philosophy and of Buddhist literature, and is enormously influential in Tibet, where it is regarded as the principal source for the ethical thought of Mahåyåna Buddhism. The title is variously translated, most often as A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life or Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds, translations that follow the (...)
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  13. Ego, Egoism and the Impact of Religion on Ethical Experience: What a Paradoxical Consequence of Buddhist Culture Tells Us About Moral Psychology.Jay L. Garfield, Shaun Nichols, Arun K. Rai & Nina Strohminger - 2015 - The Journal of Ethics 19 (3-4):293-304.
    We discuss the structure of Buddhist theory, showing that it is a kind of moral phenomenology directed to the elimination of egoism through the elimination of a sense of self. We then ask whether being raised in a Buddhist culture in which the values of selflessness and the sense of non-self are so deeply embedded transforms one’s sense of who one is, one’s ethical attitudes and one’s attitude towards death, and in particular whether those transformations are consistent with the predictions (...)
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    Foundational issues: how must global ethics be global?Jay Drydyk - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):16-25.
    Over the past 20 years, global ethics has come to be conceived in different ways. Two main tendencies can be distinguished. One asks from whence global ethics comes and defines ‘global ethics’ as arising from globalization. The other tendency is to ask whither global ethics must go and thus defines ‘global ethics’ as a destination, namely arriving at a comprehensive global ethic. I will note some types of discussion that may have been wrongly excluded from the scope of global ethics (...)
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  15. Reasons and Recognition: Essays on the Philosophy of T.M. Scanlon.R. Jay Wallace, Rahul Kumar & Samuel Freeman (eds.) - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    For close to forty years now T.M. Scanlon has been one of the most important contributors to moral and political philosophy in the Anglo-American world. Through both his writing and his teaching, he has played a central role in shaping the questions with which research in moral and political philosophy now grapples. Reasons and Recognition brings together fourteen new papers on an array of topics from the many areas to which Scanlon has made path-breaking contributions, each of which develops a (...)
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    Patients’ Privacy of the Person and Human Rights.Jay Woogara - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (3):273-287.
    The UK Government published various circulars to indicate the importance of respecting the privacy and dignity of NHS patients following the implementation of the Human Rights Act, 1998. This research used an ethnographic method to determine the extent to which health professionals had in fact upheld the philosophy of these documents. Fieldwork using nonparticipant observation, and unstructured and semistructured interviews with patients and staff, took place over six months in three acute care wards in a large district NHS trust hospital. (...)
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    Owl vs Owl: Examining an Environmental Moral Tragedy.Jay Odenbaugh - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2303-2317.
    In the United States, the northern spotted owl has declined throughout the Pacific Northwest even though its habitat has been protected under the Endangered Species Act. The main culprit for this decline is the likely human-facilitated invasion of the barred owl. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service conducted an experiment in which they lethally removed the barred owls from selected areas in Washington, Oregon, and California. In those locations, the northern spotted owl populations have stabilized and increased. Some have (...)
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  18.  40
    Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and the environmentalist agenda.Jay Odenbaugh - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-11.
    Jonathan Newman, Gary Varner, and Stefan Linquist’s Defending Biodiversity: Environmental Science and Ethics is a critical examination of a panoply of arguments for conserving biodiversity. Their discussion is extremely impressive though I think one can push back on some of their criticisms. In this essay, I consider their criticisms of the argument for conserving biodiversity based on ecosystem services; specifically, ecosystem functioning. In the end, I try to clarify and defend this argument against their criticisms.
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  19. Epoche and śūnyatā: Skepticism east and west.Jay L. Garfield - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):285-307.
  20. Models in biology.Jay Odenbaugh - 2009 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In recent years, there has much attention given by philosophers to the ubiquitous role of models and modeling in the biological sciences. Philosophical debates has focused on several areas of discussion. First, what are models in the biological sciences? The term ‘model’ is applied to mathematical structures, graphical displays, computer simulations, and even concrete organisms. Is there an account which unifies these disparate structures? Second, scientists routinely distinguish between theories and models; however, this distinction is more difficult to draw in (...)
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  21.  49
    Language, thought and other Biological Categories: New Foundations for Realism.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1987 - Noûs 21 (3):430.
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    Semblance or similarity? Reflections on Simulation and Similarity: Michael Weisberg: Simulation and similarity: using models to understand the world. Oxford University Press, 2013. 224pp. ISBN 9780199933662, $65.00.Jay Odenbaugh - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (2):277-291.
    In this essay, I critically evaluate components of Michael Weisberg’s approach to models and modeling in his book Simulation and Similarity. First, I criticize his account of the ontology of models and mathematics. Second, I respond to his objections to fictionalism regarding models arguing that they fail. Third, I sketch a deflationary approach to models that retains many elements of his account but avoids the inflationary commitments.
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  23.  33
    Do Religious Norms Influence Corporate Debt Financing?Jay Cai & Guifeng Shi - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):159-182.
    Previous studies substantiate that religious social norms influence individual and organizational decisions. Using debt financing settings, we examine whether a firm’s religious environment influences outside parties’ perceptions in contracting with the firm. We document that firms located in the more religious areas use less debt financing and receive better credit ratings. Bond investors require lower yields and impose fewer covenants on such firms. Using the 2002 revelation of sex abuse by Catholic priests as an exogenous shock, we verify that these (...)
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  24.  12
    Reason after its eclipse: on late critical theory.Martin Jay - 2016 - Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
    Part I: The sun of reason. From the Greeks to the age of reason -- Kant: reason as critique; the critique of reason -- Hegel and Marx: dialectical reason -- Reason in crisis -- Part II: Reason's eclipse and return. The critique of instrumental reason: Horkheimer, Marcuse, and Adorno -- Habermas and the communicative turn -- Habermas and his critics.
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  25. The “structure” of population ecology: Philosophical reflections on unstructured and structured models.Jay Odenbaugh - manuscript
    In 1974, John Maynard Smith wrote in his little book Models in Ecology, A theory of ecology must make statements about ecosystems as a whole, as well as about particular species at particular times, and it must make statements that are true for many species and not just for one… For the discovery of general ideas in ecology, therefore, different kinds of mathematical description, which may be called models, are called for. Whereas a good simulation should include as much detail (...)
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  26. Struggling with the science of ecology.Jay Odenbaugh - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (3):395-409.
    Greg Cooper’s The Science of the Struggle for Existence is a must read for those interested in the history and philosophy of ecology and in topics like laws of nature, scientific explanation, and mathematical modeling. If you want to explore some of the metaphysical and methodological challenges that face ecology, there is no better place to go. Thus, this book marks an important moment in the philosophy of ecology. Folks like myself will be responding to it for quite a while. (...)
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    Cooking (with) Clio and Cleo: Eloquence and Experiment in Seventeenth-Century Florence.Jay Tribby - 1991 - Journal of the History of Ideas 52 (3):417-439.
  28.  59
    Models, models, models: a deflationary view.Jay Odenbaugh - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 21):1-16.
    In this essay, I first consider a popular view of models and modeling, the similarity view. Second, I contend that arguments for it fail and it suffers from what I call “Hughes’ worry.” Third, I offer a deflationary approach to models and modeling that avoids Hughes’ worry and shows how scientific representations are of apiece with other types of representations. Finally, I consider an objection that the similarity view can deal with approximations better than the deflationary view and show that (...)
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    Engaging Engagements with Engaging Buddhism.Jay Garfield - 2018 - Sophia 57 (4):581-590.
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  30. Philosophy of the environmental sciences.Jay Odenbaugh - 2009 - In P. D. Magnus & Jacob Busch, New waves in philosophy of science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 155--171.
    In this essay, I consider three philosophical issues that arise in the environmental sciences. First, these sciences depend on mathematical models and simulations which are highly idealized and are coupled with very uncertain data. Why should we trust these models and simulations? Second, in standard hypothesis testing, the burden of proof is in favor of the null hypothesis which claims some causal factor has no effect. The alternative hypothesis is accepted only when the likelihood of the null hypothesis is very (...)
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    Reply to Müller: Aristotle on vicious choice.Jay R. Elliott - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (6):1193-1203.
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    Attachment, mating, and parenting.Jay Belsky - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (4):361-381.
    A modern evolutionary perspective emphasizing life history theory and behavioral ecology is brought to bear on the three core patterns of attachment that are identified in studies of infants and young children in the Strange Situation and adults using the Adult Attachment Interview. Mating and parenting correlates of secure/autonomous, avoidant/dismissing, and resistant/preoccupied attachment patterns are reviewed, and the argument is advanced that security evolved to promote mutually beneficial interpersonal relations and high investment parenting; that avoidant/dismissing attachment evolved to promote opportunistic (...)
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  33.  80
    ‘I Thinks’: Some Reflections on Kant's Paralogisms.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 10 (1):503-530.
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    Fusing the images.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1990 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 21 (1):1-23.
  35.  48
    Framed Before We Know It: How Gender Shapes Social Relations.Cecilia L. Ridgeway - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (2):145-160.
    In this article, I argue that gender is a primary cultural frame for coordinating behavior and organizing social relations. I describe the implications for understanding how gender shapes social behavior and organizational structures. By my analysis, gender typically acts as a background identity that biases, in gendered directions, the performance of behaviors undertaken in the name of organizational roles and identities. I develop an account of how the background effects of the gender frame on behavior vary by the context that (...)
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    Fidelity to the Event? Lukács’ History and Class Consciousness and the Russian Revolution.Martin Jay - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2):195-213.
    The underlying assumption of Lukács’ History and Class Consciousness is that “history” can be understood as a unified and meaningful meta-narrative, which can be read along the lines of a realist novel. Although the future is not guaranteed, the present contains “objective possibilities” which can be identified and realized through activist intervention in the world by those who are destined to “make” history, the proletariat. In the intervening century since the Russian Revolution, it has become impossible to read “history” as (...)
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  37.  18
    Universal countable borel quasi-orders.Jay Williams - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (3):928-954.
  38. Philosophy of biology.Jay Odenbaugh, Matt Haber, Andrew Hamilton & and Samir Okasha - manuscript
    Philosophy of the Special Sciences, edited by Fritz Allhof, Blackwell Press.
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  39. What isn't wrong with ecosystem ecology.Jay Odenbaugh - unknown
    Philosophers of the life sciences have devoted considerably more attention to evolutionary theory and genetics than to the various sub-disciplines of ecology, but recent work in the philosophy of ecology suggests reflects a growing interest in this area (Cooper 2003; Ginzburg and Colyvan 2004). However, philosophers of biology and ecology have focused almost entirely on conceptual and methodological issues in population and community ecology; conspicuously absent are foundational investigations in ecosystem ecology. This situation is regrettable. Ecosystem concepts play a central (...)
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    The Regulation of Human Experimentation in the United States: A Personal Odyssey.Jay Katz - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 9 (1):1.
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    (1 other version)Reconciling the Irreconcilable? Rejoinder to Kennedy.Martin Jay - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (71):67-80.
    Among Carl Schmitt's most notable and controversial contributions to political theory was his claim that “all the significant concepts of the modern doctrine of the state are secularized theological concepts.” First formulated in 1922 in his Political Theology, this contention remained constant throughout his long career, as evidenced by its return in his Political Theology II, published in 1970. Here Schmitt's Cadtholic background was clearly apparent, for in so arguing, he was recapitulating the familiar topos of biblical prefiguration in which (...)
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  42.  27
    ‘Yr Beast’: Gender Parrhesia and Punk Trans Womanhoods.Jay Szpilka - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):119-134.
    While the subject of women’s activity in historical and contemporary punk scenes has attracted significant attention, the presence of trans women in punk has received comparatively little research, in spite of their increasing visibility and long history in punk. This article examines the conditions for trans women’s entrance in punk and the challenges and opportunities that it offers for their self-assertion. By linking Michel Foucault’s notion of parrhesia with the way trans women in punk do their gender, an attempt is (...)
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  43. Reductionism and fictionalism comments on Siderits' personal identity and buddhist philosophy.Jay Garfield - manuscript
    As a critic, I am in the unenviable position of agreeing with nearly all of what Mark does in this lucid, erudite and creative book. My comments will hence not be aimed at showing what he got wrong, as much as an attempt from a Madhyamaka point of view to suggest another way of seeing things, in particular another way of seeing how one might think of how Madhyamaka philosophers, such as Någårjuna and Candrak¥rti, see conventional truth, our engagement with (...)
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  44. Philosophy of the environmental sciences.Jay Odenbaugh - 2009 - In P. D. Magnus & Jacob Busch, New waves in philosophy of science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 155--171.
    In this essay, I consider three philosophical issues that arise in the environmental sciences. First, these sciences depend on mathematical models and simulations which are highly idealized and are coupled with very uncertain data. Why should we trust these models and simulations? Second, in standard hypothesis testing, the burden of proof is in favor of the null hypothesis which claims some causal factor has no effect. The alternative hypothesis is accepted only when the likelihood of the null hypothesis is very (...)
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    Dynamical Psychology. Complexity, Self-Organization and Mind.Jay Friedenberg - 2009 - Emergent Publishing.
    A summary of topics and theoretical approaches to dynamical systems and psychology. Includes chapters on physical systems, self-organization, state space and dimensionality, networks, neurodynamics, fractals and how such concepts help to explain cognition and the mind.
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    Subjective Consequentialism and the Unforeseeable.Christopher Jay - 2020 - Utilitas 32 (1):33-49.
    As is already well known, subjective consequentialists face a challenge which arises from the fact that many (perhaps even most) of the consequences of an action areunforeseeable: this fact makes trouble for the assignment of expected values. Recently there has been some discussion of the role of ‘indifference’ principles in addressing this challenge. In this article, I argue that adopting a principle of indifference to unforeseeable consequences will not work – not because of familiar worries about the rationality of such (...)
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  47.  9
    Threading the Needle: Species Eliminativism Meets Biological Conservation.Jay Odenbaugh - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    Alethic undecidability and alethic indeterminacy.Jay Newhard - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2563-2574.
    The recent, short debate over the alethic undecidability of a Liar Sentence between Stephen Barker and Mark Jago is revisited. It is argued that Jago’s objections succeed in refuting Barker’s alethic undecidability solution to the Liar Paradox, but that, nevertheless, this approach may be revived as the alethic indeterminacy solution to the Liar Paradox. According to the alethic indeterminacy solution, there is genuine metaphysical indeterminacy as to whether a Liar Sentence bears an alethic property, whether truth or falsity. While the (...)
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  49. Cages and Crises: A Marxist Analysis of Mass Incarceration.Mark Jay - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (1):182-223.
    Since the mid-1960s, the carceral population in the US has increased around 900%. This article analyses that increase from a Marxist framework. After interrogating the theories of Michelle Alexander and Loïc Wacquant, I lay out a theoretical framework for a Marxist theory of mass incarceration. I then offer a historical analysis of mass incarceration in keeping with this theoretical framework, emphasising the carceral system’s relationship to the class struggle and the large-scale economic dislocations of post-Fordism. Finally, I emphasise how private (...)
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  50. Descriptions, linguistic topic/comment, and negative existentials: A case study in the application of linguistic theory to problems in the philosophy of language.Jay Atlas - 2004 - In Marga Reimer & Anne Bezuidenhout, Descriptions and beyond. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 342--360.
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